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Joyce A. Hodnett, Copyright © 2005


Materials:  Cotton Yarn, 1 ball, size G hook, tapestry needle, & Velcro

Finished Size:  Approx. 8 inches long X 6 inches high, folded


Special Stitches Used:

Beginning V-Stitch: Chain 4, dc in same space.

V-Stitch (V-St): Dc, ch 1, dc in space indicated.

Beginning Shell: Ch 3, 2 dc, ch 1, 3 dc in space indicated.

Shell: 3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc in space indicated.

HDC Decrease (hdc dec): YO hook, insert hook into stitch indicated,

draw up a loop, insert hook in next stitch, YO and draw thru

all loops on hook.  

Back Loops Only:  BLO


Rnd 1:  Chain 30, 3 sc in 2nd chain from hook,

           sc in the next 27 chains, 3 sc in last ch (33)

           Working along opposite side of beginning ch, sc in the

           next 27 chs; do not join; mark the beginning of each

          round  (60 sc)


 Rnd 2:  *(sc in the next sc) 3 times, *sc in the next 28 sc;

             repeat between * once more, 2 sc in the next 26 sc. 

             Do not join rounds  (68)


Rnd 3:  *(2 sc in the next sc) 6 times, *sc in the next 27 sc;

             repeat between * once more, sc in the next 27 sc.  (78)


Rnd 4:  Sc in each sc around.  (78)


Rnd 5:  Sc in the BLO of the next 4 sc, *2 sc in BLO of the     

            next sc, sc in the BLO of the next 4 sc, 2 sc in BLO of

            the next sc*, sc in the next 34 stitches.  Repeat between

            *, sc in the next 28 sts,  Join with slst in both loops of

            the next stitch.


Rnds 6-9:  Sc in each sc around.  Join with sl st in the next st. 



Rnd 10:  Ch 4, dc in the same stitch (Beginning V-St made),

             skip the next 2 sc, *work dc, ch 1, dc in the next sc

             (V-st made).  Skip the next 2 sc, repeat from *around. 

             Join in the 3rd ch of beg. ch-4.  (28 V-Sts).


Rnd 11:  Sl st into the next ch-1 sp, ch 3, 2 dc, ch 1, 3 dc (Beg

            Shell made), in the same sp, *work 1 sc in the next V-St

            sp.  In the next V-St sp work a shell (3 dc, ch 1, 3 dc).

            Repeat from * around.  Join to the 1st ch of beginning



Rnd 12:  Sl st into the 1st ch-1 sp, ch 1, sc in the same sp, ch 1,

             *work a V-St in the next sc, ch 1, sc in the next ch-1

             sp, ch 1.  Repeat from  *around, join to the beginning sc.


Rnd 13:  Ch 4, dc in the same ch-1 sp, ch 1,

             (make a sc in the next V-St, ch 1,

             make a V-St in the next sc, ch 1) around.

             Join with sl st in the 3rd ch of the beginning ch-4. 


Rnd 14:  Sl st in the sp of the next V-St, make a beginning shell,

             (sc in the next sc, shell in the next V-St) around.

             Join with sl st to the top of the beginning ch-3.


Rnd 15:  Sl st into the next ch sp, ch 1, sc in the same sp,

             (ch 1, make a V-St in the next sc, ch 1, sc in the next

             ch-1 sp) around, ch 1, join with a sl st to the 1st sc.


Rnd 16:  Sc in each sc, each sp, and each dc around. 

             Join with a sl st to the beginning sc.


Rnd 17:  Ch 2, (hdc in the next sc) around.  Join with sl st to

             beginning ch-2.  (84)


Rnd 18-22:  Ch 2, hdc in each hdc around.  Join as before.  

                  Finish off.  Weave in ends. 



Row 1: 

Fold the purse body so that the front and back are even across the top.  Flatten it so that both sides are also even and the back is facing you.  Attach yarn with a sl st at the 1st st at the top right side edge (the back of the purse is still facing you), and hdc across so that you will stop where it will be even at the left side edge (approximately 40 hdc across).  This makes the beginning of the Flap.  You will understand when you get to that point.  At the end this Row 1, chain 2 and turn.


Rows 2-4:  Hdc in each hdc across the back Flap, making a hdc in last chain 2.  Ch 2, turn.


Row 5: Hdc in each hdc across with last hdc in the ch 2, turn.  


Rows 6-8:  Work a hdc decrease over the first 2 hdc,

                 hdc across to the last 2 hdc, hdc decrease in the last

                 2 hdc.  Ch 2, turn.


At the end of Row 8, ch 1, turn.


Row 9:  With the Flap open and right side facing you, work sc

            evenly across the Flap and around entire bag opening

            edges.  Sl st in the beginning ch 1 to join.  Fasten off.

              Weave in ends.



I used Velcro as closures for this bag:  Sew approximately a 1 inch square of Velcro near each end edge and at the center on the wrong side of the Flap and to the outside face of the bag to correspond in placement.


Website:  "Joyce's Crochet Joint" 


Copyright © Joyce A. Hodnett, 2002-2005

All Rights Reserved


You may print out as many copies of my patterns as you like for

 your own personal use.  But please do not post my

 patterns in emails or to other websites.

  I'd be delighted to have you link back to my URLs. 

Thank you.